
" A song to sing, a prayer to bring, hope and joy no matter what the sting. "
Grandmother Sunshine Glory Shine Sings

Circle with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
ALightFromWithin.Org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Presents to you "We Bless You" Blog series of Sacred Song Blessings for the World. Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle. Welcome into our Hearts and We Bless You!
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Circle Prayer by Thunder Horn, Dakota Brother

I bow my head for smoke to rise to purify my eyes. I give my heart for all to start, the rainbow colors disguise (four sacred directions we call the hide/skin).  And there we blend together again, one circle one tribe. I bless the children who learn to swim and dive into heavenly eyes. I bow my head for all to see about the dream we share for liberty. Ho-hay (miracle grow, dream descend with the seed of life) under way. Ho-hay (miracle grow) here we sail into the winds of time. In the heart that smiles. Whoa-chee hay-mee-hoh (the river flows, the grass will grow) the sun is rising to the snow (blessings of crystalline stones). I gift my comfort for all to know. I bow and gift my show, devotional. Aho!

Circle Prayer by Thunder Horn, Dakota brother, a rainbow child, 71 years young.
Gifted by Alightfromwithin.Org, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Relatives of the Rainbow, This morning, I asked another Rainbow Child, Running Dancing Clouds, 4 years old, to send circle eight energy from me to him. While he was doing this, I could feel the fluttering of rainbow colors, it was like butterfly wings fluttering and dancing. It was wonderful. Many times, rainbow children have trouble with access of energy from others, as Rainbow Mother to the universe, the rainbow child must feel the world of feelings. At times it's overwhelming for them and they act out in emotional violent ways (much like a Mom when they are frustrated). Doing the circle eight energy dance, helps heal beings near them, the children of the Rainbow. Naturally done anyway, but now they (rainbow child) have some control over what is going on and actively heal those who are not feeling well in the many and variety of the Rainbow Clan children expose (journey). The wonderful part of the fluttering energy (circle eight done by a rainbow child) was like gentle water falls sound. A babbling brook does the Rainbow Child gift to the world, when they remember to fill, the hearts move to and fro, then all will be okay. Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, a crystal child, elder of the rainbow,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy.

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
