
" A song to sing, a prayer to bring, hope and joy no matter what the sting. "
Grandmother Sunshine Glory Shine Sings

Circle with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy


ALightFromWithin.Org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Presents to you "We Bless You" Blog series of Sacred Song Blessings for the World. Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle. Welcome into our Hearts and We Bless You!
Fire Offers Purification

Birthing of Hope with Fire Blessings

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Prayer Date: 09192013 Witness to Holy Sight, Spring into Action with All Your Might

There is a place inside of me, where I can sea miraculously. There is a place, where I can shine my face, just to feel the wonder of this place. There is a holy spirit that clings to know, all of the shutters of the waves that flow. I know it's time for change, everything tells a story of this. We are moving forwards to another dawn of time. We are the binds of evolution. Don't you hear them chime? I can say truly, where the blue, red cross, there the yellow grows soft as the moss. We can see many colors, the vibration of time leans on me. There I can find a sky, blue and open wide. All of this magic. All of this dew. We are changing rainbows, in what they say and do. We are blessing you. We are shining love upon you. We are taking hold of vision that is bold. We say bow to the winds. We say, let it begin. We say, heaven has arrived. Yes, it's about time. 

Let our souls display, the wonderful sight we have gained. We can hear with our hearts and listen with our eyes, just to find the circle of many who are wise. Yes, we can feel the breeze, down the road where stars are sown. We can envision gleams of fields, where rocks are real. And magic is part of the show. Let us find a way, to pave the path lies graves. We remember, those who gave. We honor them and save. All the children to come. Let us teach them to run. We are choosing love. Just one more save and off.... into the sky..... into the longing of the clouds that chide.... We are needing you, to be blessed free, to take care of your duties. Listen to the hopes and dreams. All of the family needs you and me. We are part of this great big company. We are part of the heavenly doves sent to rescue thee. And when we have lost our way. We didn't bow down and pray. Blessings cleanse the fields, where trouble makes it real. Gratify the winds. Blessings over sin. And we will be a DREAM. One big field, envisioning SUNS.

Stones and rocks and things. All lie together in the wind. And each song that I sing, rings true to the wane. Those who bow and gift. Don't need hollow rifts, but those who forgot their waves, need others to push, rather than save. We say, LOVE is reeled. One more husband, a wife to heal. One more Priest you lost their way, then we need to help him and save. One more Sister of Ordination bring, who won't open the door to let others in. How will we honor them, if we don't hold them to the tune. Sing praise and lift the world, where LOVE is the only kill, to purify the cosmic snow, then everything will GROW. I say to you, one more day. I say to you, love will pave the daze. I say, heaven sent me to show the path, where eternal will last. You and me, shall share these dreams. You and me, will save the green (spiritual). You and me will share the dew, where Rainbow dreams come true.

Brothers and Sisters will dine, together at one circle at a time. And each of us will cherish love, when we are circling with doves. If peace is not gathered near, how will we have favors to fulfill. We need blessings to help heal and save. We need blessings to pave. For golden paths won't lead to shame, if we decide only to gain. And with each lesson, the stone will turn, to grow under a key. There we will decide to love. There we will open the door. There will we knock and learn, if only to churn. There will be children with parents, who will listen and understand the fundamentals. And with this known, blessings will be sown, to overcome tragedy. Yet in our dismay, love grows abundantly, because we listened to the circle that lived in thee. We will find an open plate, where everything has a gate. And if we look at the door, enter paradise with holy praise and listen to the birds that sing, we can feel the winds come over thee.

Spring action inside of me. Let the almighty shine and set it free. I will become the witness of the good news, God is part of you. And with our vision opening. We can see the heavenly soul come/set free. We can share our hearts then, there. WE can share and be aware. Our spiritual path will unroll. We will know exactly the toll. Yet we decide just to share, all that will bring in pairs. Together one two three. One two exactly how to bee. The dance of the heartbeat tells it true. The fourth beat is you. And one and two shows me true. And three four opens the door. And embraced is the galaxy, that lives inside of me.

I send my love out to the world. We are part of all the pairs. We are joining everything, because it's the holy witness thing. We share our hearts and blow the horn. We say Brotherhood will shine and pave. We will tell a story or two. We will share all we dew. And with the dreams and visions appear, we will remember to always tell. To show the road to understand, to show the way true. We are always getting clues, yet we need everyone to get them too. And sharing at the circle will teach, that we are all just a peach. Sweet blossoms I remember your tale. I remember all you said for the wails. And cries of men need to be heard, just one place, one world. There we shall find ways to seek. There we will find ways to become meek. And the day comes when all will bow, just to know of the holy cow (four directions in rainbow colors, the holy robe of lights that illuminate you). We will share more than love. We will share relativity. We share and cleave. We will know of our destiny, love in the breeze.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings, to heal all the words that sing. To seek a path of love, righteousness that suffers. And when we grow old and die, we are remembered for what and wise. We are making these sounds today, to show the young the way.

Gifted by, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Around the World

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon. 
 From the darkness we arise a heavenly child. 
(solar and lunar calender align, January 1, 2014, a cycle of renewal) 
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
