
" A song to sing, a prayer to bring, hope and joy no matter what the sting. "
Grandmother Sunshine Glory Shine Sings

Circle with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy


ALightFromWithin.Org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Presents to you "We Bless You" Blog series of Sacred Song Blessings for the World. Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle. Welcome into our Hearts and We Bless You!
Fire Offers Purification

Birthing of Hope with Fire Blessings

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Showing posts with label light and dark. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

12062013 Spiritual Warriors of Heaven: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)

Image: Relatives, Light and dark, show me true, just how to get this glow outside and into you. I want to beam the holy steam of fire and water show me this sacred breeze. Dreams appear on the wheel, all the tales of the divine shines the trim (of the many houses of God, each beloved child of the Rainbow smiles). Wbcw sings.

Gee whiz, look at me now. Such a triumphant cloud. We are teh children light that beams. We are the children of the holy steam. Glory, glory hallelujah, christ is born today (the king or kingsmen is born inside of you). You are a SUN of men and you can look all the way, turn and dance around and display. LOVE is on it's way.

Love is on it's waves. I think I have to pray, for God gifted me all these rays. Sweetness come into me. I am a shadow holding the breeze. My soul awakens the snow, the cosmic wheel overflows. We are children of the seas, envisioning, all those dreams. Let us become spiritual warriors of the sun. Let heavenly virtues find me inside on the run. ON the blue fields of light, let all be rivers of might, oceans and seas, take me closer to your shores to bee, a great dream.

 Image: Relatives, Women fly through the air, because in heaven women are moving through the heavenly fields of sound, whoosh. There she goes wiggling to and fro, such love blossoms out of her knows. She is like a rainbow that glows, I must catch her to find treasure troves. I bow down to hear the sound, the holy sole of a walking man (wakan/holy walking). Peace flock around you and fly two/too (breath of life/dew/do with each other be true blue). Wbcw sings

Share with me today, all your stories and rays. Did you have a good day. Did you have trouble in your waves? I want to hear all the excitement that did chime. I want to hear about all the tears of your sacred wine (intoxication by love). I want to show you true, just how to be blue, the heart inside that wants to know you. The relative, the kings-men/kinsmen, who fights a good fight, to unite a broken heart to stand up with might. Grow strong my relatives with the song. Grow strong my relatives, bow down to the ground. And when you find it's true, the holy spirit longs inside of you, we are children longing to feel the sacred revolving wheel. 

Image: Relatives, Women shrouded in rows of darkness. This represents the heavenly dark fields of sound, rather than color or light. When light moves fast enough, it makes a sound, "whoosh" like the wind. This is why men must chase the woman, because he is learning to embrace around the darkness, yet to create an inner light unseen, yet felt as streaming fields of heaven, what woman represents. Now to get these fields cleansed, both female/blue road/sound waves and male/red road/color waves, through sacred blessings and prayers. I bless the sacred nine streams and four holy beams, the spacial field of ONE, then I spin to make it a wheel and bless each child of steel/strength of God's ONENESS. Wbcw Tdm

Together we are Mankind. Together all the Relatives shine. All the rocks and plants matter, our relatives that smatter/chatter/splatter (parts of whole, divine shards of light), painted fields that glow, flowers and treasure troves. We are the painting in time. WE are the children learning to bind. It's a picture show, all in a row. WE are in a picture show, such a great dream we sow. IT's time to chime, bring brotherhood of wines, where we sit down, share all our sounds too, the trail of tears will be shared for real. All our troubles and our woes, all our joys and dancing toes. We will know just what to say, because we wanted to save, all those heels on the wheel. All the relatives, the animals that steal, say, I need a portion too, save me and I will share with you, my living body and my soul. I will gift you the breath of life that toils. I will share my soul with you, in order for the dreaming to come true. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings for heavenly waves. Holiness David drums for the earthly paved. And together the stars will shine. WE bow down to help all the children chime. And our souls fly together as we dance. Let our soles find the weather of perfect chance. Let destiny arise, the risen suns in the skies. Let elders come to dream, hold them close to beam, LOVE will save the WORLD.

Image: Relatives, Gray colored image of this post pertain to Grandmother dreamspace, the many tethered stones of the rainbow trail path. These evolutionary change to seek the spiritual nature of all things means we are to understand a singularity, the building of inner fire to purify the world with LOVE. When we cultivate the heavenly song and dance in our lives with living prayers, we exude pure light. Christ or a crystal child, illuminates the world this way to show you that we are all SUNS (whole circle of relatives, all inclusive) or Sun Dancers, because we have four directions that embrace us as our Buffalo Robe or four rainbow colors that embrace the spiritual being the holy ghost within or four more inner rainbow colors. Eight represents holiness (represented by lavender and the holy eagle, wakan or holy walking also the symbol of infinity bowing to the ground) and this is the path to eight directions, bursting light, an illumination, much like a candle represents to the world. Each being is a spiritual nature. Each child belongs the fields of dreaming (all have duties in the rainbow clan and need each other for the dream to occur, whether we like it or not, it's about how to interconnect with loving changes, to stimulate collective dreaming as we are each an ark of the covenant, stones, gems and treasure troves).

(image continues) Together we are tethered together in an unseen woven manner, matters of heavenly dream fields. It's time to bring our consciousness to the walking talking dreamer, awaken dreaming. Thus the spiritual warrior is the ninth position, represented by the Magenta child, the blossoming effect of lessons and treasures on the red road of illumination. Also it's the Lakota relative who teaches us to STAND inside this field of holiness/wakan to receive, as well as purify the children of the Rainbow Clan, all our relatives, fields of relativity. As we stand in the center of eight streaming flows, similar to the universe of four sided fields (Rainbow Mother), we begin to understand the echoing or sonar abilities to form images, within the darkness of light and shadows. We journey over the gray or Grandmother who weaves us together, all tethered together like a train/trane. Yet it is the stone or sun inside of you, that determines if you will share joy (window pane, vision to gain, a dream) today or if you will exchange pain today (display of dis-ease and suffering). Spiritual warriors of heaven must develop constancy in prayer clothes (holy robe of self), the lighted fabric of our holy house, the four directions that help heal our shouts, the heart within, the holy spirit learning to begin to become dreamers, soldiers who fight to vanquish sin, one smile, one joy, one bow at a time, for the Rainbow promises treasures. And plenty to share with all of the world, Brotherhood understood.

One last note about Christ. This is a color of the rainbow clan, which is worn by many. A crystal child or Christ child, wears the Celestial Crown (inner most rainbow color is crystal of four directions). Those who wear a crown, belong to the people. In history, crystal children bring to us great stores, such as Moses who brought the 10 commandments, Mohammed who brought the Arabian Knight (kala elam: black diety, she knows, thus the heavenly fields sows the sun of kings, the kingsmen, highness/highlands passed to the hands of the persians) and who protects the holy children (Jews, who must take care of all the world, as Physical Elders, Tikkun olam (Hebrew: תיקון עולם or תקון עולם‎) is a Hebrew phrase that means "repairing the world" (or "healing the world") , Krishna who gifted to the world the celestial song and even Einstein who brought to us the understanding of Relativity. These are history changers, yet throughout time, crystal children have been among you. We call this CHRISTMAS, many CHRISTS (approximately one in 16). They bring to us the light of illumination the risen suns. Each child of the rainbow shines this illumination as children of light. Crystal is a clear color, meaning only light. And as light helps us to vision into or onto our world, we can share with others to produce peaceful fields of coalition (working together, diverge together, ONENES river of LIFE). Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Gifted by Alightfromwithin.Org/donation, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Locally and around the World. Please help support Elders and Warriors to bring the Law of Love to your neighborhood, uniting all the fields together once more! Let us learn to open the doors.

All our Relatives, Please, Please join Us
in the Holy Ghost Walk, Gathering in Homes!

 New moon January 1, 2014 aligning with the sun

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
 From the darkness we arise a heavenly child.
(solar and lunar calender align, January 1, 2014, a cycle of renewal)

Image of many fields streaming by Rainbow Mother Yaniv, streaming stones among the mountain tones and buried bones, the Suns are born (children of the rainbow clan, all our relatives, the spacial fields). 

Relatives of the Rainbow Clan, you and you and you and you and me too. There are only a few more New Moons (re/birthing) to go, until we start to flow where it's the spiritual growth, the Great Push (January 1, 2014). We need you to share and shine, to bring in wine, tears divine. We send greetings and blessings as we join together in this dance, the Holy Ghost, the Spiritual toast, we greet you to the sky and back to the why, where we say, forgiveness is treasures, let joy overcome. Tonight it's a way to let love under ONE. We cherish this world, because we are SUNS, each child, each enemy, each parent with a child. All the the little creatures, the rocks and the sticks. All the little varmints (rats, social interrogatory) which pick up the holy wicks (spat, now let's go to work), sparking the willing to have faith in a song, where are all together, moving along. We send blessings in this song. Let your hair down, sing and dance abound. For it's the spiritual soul within that leads and says, Holy to my Spirit, for I am going to bloom. I will share with this world. I will shine until NOON (inner brightest like a Star). We will become treasures when we pray along, together in a song, all together God's ONE. All the little spiders, who weave us to cradle the song. Telling us a story, that look out, watch the bones. There planted deeply a treasure under the stone, if we look closer, we might want to shown, love gifts and hooves (kicks and shoves, like parents on a rug).  
Bowing with all our Relatives, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
(Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”

Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign).  White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World
My computer is protected

Image by Aunt Daneen Seasons That Sing, Silver Child
Paradise gleams, the field in the trees, dew in the breeze!
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
