
" A song to sing, a prayer to bring, hope and joy no matter what the sting. "
Grandmother Sunshine Glory Shine Sings

Circle with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy


ALightFromWithin.Org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Presents to you "We Bless You" Blog series of Sacred Song Blessings for the World. Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle. Welcome into our Hearts and We Bless You!
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Birthing of Hope with Fire Blessings

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Showing posts with label Gray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gray. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Dance of the Dew the Dream in You

There is a day of dawning among men. The seeking of the holy spiritual wind. A place inside of us, where the smoke resides our bust (breath of life). A heart within prescribes, all the miracles of the wise. 

Heaven help us come to Earth, where the dew is full of Earth (Mother Earth our beloved Great Spirit Mother's body of pure devotional love). And the sacred and the dew, always finds a way to be used (unadulterated love). Helping each other find our waves. Helping each other with what we say. Telling the world it's time to come home, to the sacred holy rolling storm (clouds).

Breathe with me, upon the clouds of the sea. Breathe with me. Hold me closer to the galaxy. Breathe with me. Then I will know summer seas (bright lights). It's a shining star, the galaxy afar, the making of the holy stones the gospel in the breeze. It is time for us to become holy knocking knees (dancing). Heaven is storming closer the seas (visions and dreams). And clouds will rise up and touch the sky. There we will realize, the sacred living wide/wise/treasures. Let us learn about everyday, when we share our heart display.

Sow/sew me to the out/er world. Sow send me out/er to share. Tell everyone, I am coming home. Tell everyone, that is a THRONE (we, the royal true blue are coming home). Kings of Gods everywhere. Crystal/Christal children not compared (comparing will always be known, each treasure in the trove, however, it's meaning in this song has to do with cherishing all the celestial kings, the crystal children who bring Heavenly virtue -law of love- to Earth. when a child of the rainbow clan, meaning you, walk through this devotional act -looking into the mirror of the soul- one purifies the self and is able to bring peace to the heart -when they overcome the lesson, forgiveness releases- thereby helping the world, all becoming risen saviors). All the kingships long to feel, the holy rolling river wheel. And when we find out our lives are worth, all the makings of the holy girth. We are relatives to the blue..... Heaven help us be clouds near you. Sow help me Jesus (christal, blue and yellow crown), be a friend (helper). Help and send the fabulous wind. And we can gather in the seas (create clouds), where we won't have to live on wounded knees. There is sunshine. There is wonder. There is charming fields of love everywhere. There is common sense to wake up spiritual whence/wince/grimace, the golden past in dreams are living in the blast. It's a hot fire out there, lights ablazing true/trail. And it's all because of Kingsmen who live inside of you. And all are holy people, thrones and kings too (lots and lots of them in the Rainbow Clan, including lavender and red, as well as overlays who also could possibly wear the crown. And one day you were a crowned one, meaning belonging to the people. And one day you will become a crowned one again. It is the duty of the square, the stepping stone that leads the aware or unaware home.). Yet you must realize, you are family too. All of us are royalty just inside this view.

We are children of this Earth. And it's Great Mother (red-indigo) who shares her kiss. Everyday when we play, the sacred clouds show their wonderful rays. And with the sunshine in our eyes, we find like diamonds in the sky, where it's Great Father (red-violet) always there sharing loving active glares (making sure we walk right, as holy people around the world). Let us learn today every wave. Let us share our hearts to save. And when we are looking for everyone. We will be waiting at home under the sun. 

Grandmother (gray/spacial) we love you out in the world. Grandfather (white/star) we shine like diamonds and we care. Telling dreams about the heaven sent. It's a place of the lent. Risen saviors every child. All the children running wild. And it's your job to breath/breed them out, to learn about the sacred shout. Cry on out. Cry on out. Just like children who make the shout. It's the holy breath of life that carries us forwards in the strife. All those clouds share the dew, all the longing of all the clues. Let us make miracles everyday, because each color of the rainbow did display. 

Then Mohammed (christal child, blue and red crown) came to town, he was a treasure found profound, stood on rocks and diamonds everywhere, just to send them home to care. Yet they woke up and drove it past, did not stop at the sign to whack/waste (watch the river flow by. It's like when you see something great and you smack your leg saying, "how about that". It's like that.). It's heaven on the stand, where the stones become mortal man/sand. We are looking to save this day, to sing our songs and feel the praise. Then it's Krishna (christal child, blue crown) all the waves singing songs to heal and praise. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman christal child (christal child, blue, red and yellow crown), wishing for rainbows with a smile. And Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, lavender crown (red and yellow crown) running wild. All the children are learning to care, just in time for the CLOUDS to SMEAR (on canvass, to paint), a whole k/new vision upon the world. Dreams of diamonds that dew care, living rainbows full of swear (devotional oaths to the world, risen saviors each and every color of the Rainbow Clan).

Note: All crowned colors belong the people and not to themselves. The more crowns, the younger your soul is. This is the drift of the clouds that snore, one dream time left to adore. Yet, it's always another dream time. It's always another dawn. It's always another day to live in this great song. Crowned ones lead people back to themselves, to become holy people, to find praise, love for self and the world around them. This duty is part of the Rainbow Trail. And everyone goes through it. In other words, at some point in your eternal soul journey, you are a crowned one. And when you are not in this rotation, you are relative to, meaning a Brother, a Sister, a Mother, a Father, a Grandmother or Grandfather. Sow you see, we are all Relatives on the tree. We are all royal blood too. Look at the veins rolling back to the heart, the blue road of heaven gifts us this start.

Nicole Swan Ministryoftheheart Grandmother Walks on Stones Artistry at
Thank you Grandmother Walks on Stones, for your artistry contribution to share with us the stepping stones of this dream world we share. We bow down to Grandmother's fields, all the children of the Rainbow Clan, the dream of unity across the land. Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, hoops and circles too. We love you!
Like ·   Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Beloved Grandmother Walks on Stones, Looks like Grandmother in there, all woven, knitted together. Just perfect weather. Love and blessings, your devoted grandchild. Wbcw
Greetings All relatives I Love You
whitebuffalocalfwoman i bow to you , sharing the love
grandmother walks on stones gray rainbow white gray
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Gifted Please help sponsor the Elders and Warriors continue service through Angel Services and the Great Give-a-way. We bless you through and through. Angels working to help you locally and around the world.

Join us at Hoop 6 (Stepping Stone) - Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)! "I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World" 

All our Relatives, Please, Please join Us
in the Holy Ghost Walk, Gathering in Homes!
 New  moon January 1, 2014 Dawning with the Suns
Next January 30, 2014
March 1, 2014
March 30, 2014
April 29, 2014
May 28, 2014
June 27, 2014
July 26, 2014
August  25, 2014
September 24,  2014
October 23, 2014
November 22, 2014
December 22, 2014

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
 From the darkness we arise a heavenly child, a divine light from within.

Image of a beaming field by Grandmother Upon the Hill, a gray child, 
streaming stones among the mountain tones and buried bones,
 the Suns are born (children of the rainbow clan, all our relatives, the spacial fields). 

Relatives of the Rainbow Clan,  

You and you and you and you and me too. We have entered the Dawning (re/birthing). We start to flow where it's the spiritual growth, the Great Push (January 1, 2014) has begun. We need you to share and shine, to bring in wine, tears divine. We send greetings and blessings as we join together in this dance, the Holy Ghost, the Spiritual toast, we greet you to the sky and back to the why, where we say, forgiveness is treasures, let joy overcome. Tonight it's a way to let love under ONE. We cherish this world, because we are SUNS, each child, each enemy, each parent with a child. All the the little creatures, the rocks and the sticks. All the little varmints (rats, social interrogatory) which pick up the holy wicks (spat, now let's go to work), sparking the willing to have faith in a song, where are all together, moving along. We send blessings in this song. Let your hair down, sing and dance abound. For it's the spiritual soul within that leads and says, Holy to my Spirit, for I am going to bloom. I will share with this world. I will shine until NOON (inner brightest like a Star). We will become treasures when we pray along, together in a song, all together God's ONE. All the little spiders, who weave us to cradle the song. Telling us a story, that look out, watch the bones. There planted deeply a treasure under the stone, if we look closer, we might want to shown, love gifts and hooves (kicks and shoves, like parents on a rug).
 Bowing with all our Relatives, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
(Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”

Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign).  White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World
Image by Aunt Daneen Seasons That Sing, Silver Child
Paradise gleams, the field in the trees, dew in the breeze!

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
