
" A song to sing, a prayer to bring, hope and joy no matter what the sting. "
Grandmother Sunshine Glory Shine Sings

Circle with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy


ALightFromWithin.Org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Presents to you "We Bless You" Blog series of Sacred Song Blessings for the World. Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle. Welcome into our Hearts and We Bless You!
Fire Offers Purification

Birthing of Hope with Fire Blessings

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Friday, December 31, 2010

Stand Up Dream's Family, the Hospice Care for Sister Brings Joy Instead of Despair!

There are days that seem so gray and blinding mad. But I realize God has all the plans. And I would like to journey home, if only I could find a rolling stone (blessings of celestial heights where the winds of time blow through with safe passage).  Gift is from the heavenly world, full of Angels that are heard. My soul longs to feel this place.  The place, I know my grace.

When the days are gray and numb, I think I will finally succumb, but my soul does weep with regret, if only I did what I said/met (greeting/departing). Now, I must forgive all myself. Now I must forgive the whole universe. Now I must forgive my relatives who are blind (unable to vision with the heart). Now I must show kindness this time.  Thinking of sorrow (gray skies bring tears with surprise, healing all below, with the wet water flow, feeding the world, in order for it to fulfill) will bring better days, because we need sunshine to show the way. And it's a light (within), the blind spot of delight (the heart), that conquers even now (the law of love, the red road is in bloom). I stand here loving and proud. I am the hoovering cloud (where rainbows shine divine bringing abundance all year round).

Think big things (greatness of your soul) will come in the future. Heaven will pour out of you.  And I don't mean of this world, but here after (heaven's realm within pours out into the earthly realm 
). Soon, I will be free (to know of the spiritual flight of the soul) and roaming hills (our rainbow colors where our souls ride the), waves that fulfill. Glory be the days God gives away. Glory be the days, I have to say, "I'm in love with you, in showing me a happy loving view.  I know you will stay in my heart. I know, we are never apart. Think glory for brand new days, because I coming back to play."

Days are magical in a stream, where fish (are the dreams within the Oneness of God) and guppies (are the shores to each other's arms) float on by (in the passage of time). And I know of miracles each and every day, because I see clouds in the sky (heavenly waves).  And where the tears do rumble, my soul does find a way to win/d (to share the spiritual winds).  I will be near your heart so still.  I will pray with you each night, because it's heaven's delight.  My nights will gift us heavenly stars, to glare at us from distant and far.  My soul will shine forever it's time, because I'm God inside.

We can build a world and fulfill, with loving acts of God.  All we need to do is be part of you, the magical day in an ark (sharing the survival of unity, one by one, two by two, we are all angels with a view, each is needed in the glory of time, because it's important for all rainbow colors to shine).  I have to say, glory is here in a big wave, the shore upon my side (close by).  I rest my heart near the smart (stinging, suffering for love) to know, I'm part (of).  I come to relieve all hearts. I bless this world to know of love, to be grateful for all things.  And in this world, our Earth compares, to grand gardens in the spring (celestial begins, let's stop and feel the wind).  It's time for us to begin again.  It's time for us to wave the sin (on by, as sin shall not seek refuge within me, where all is sacred and blessed). We pray and say, come fire (sacred fire blessings purify our rainbow colors, to shine) light my way, show(ing) that the soul does ride, the heavenly waves that fly by (in the wind, our hearts begin anew).

Sacred Song Blessings from the heart of Stand Up Dream's Family.  Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand.

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

A heart always knows the waves that flow, right into the sacred rain bow!

A Light From Within Shines to Show You are Divine

Friday, December 24, 2010

Two Bear Prayer to Heal his Eyes and his Heart

Two Bear Prayer to Heal his Eyes
Today I see again, but yesterday is in the wind. Tomorrow I will see again, because I am still and willow (bending).  Hold me close my eyes to see. I will lift a heart and believe, all the greatness God gave to me, the vision of my eyes that show me the leaves. (drum beat did not harmonize, asked Holiness David to shift to the eyes rather than the heart) Here I stand upon a hill, waiting for the love to fill, the place within me, that wants to see, the eyes that give me a garden of please/ing. I am willing to lean on love. Show me with my eyes a vision from God. Great Spirit hold me close, to hear my sight sow I can see.  I want the world to be my home.  I want to see, the light of love and rainbow colors that fill. I want to bee a dream with you, where all the trees do lean (bow). There where the wind does blow. I will bow down to snow, the crystalline river I know, the stars of heaven in me.

Two Bear Sacred Song Blessing for his Heart
Blessed is my heart, I walk this way. Blessed is the space I need to pray. Blessed is the place that heals my soul. Blessed is where we need to go.  Blessed is the star who shines with love. Blessed is the coming of a dawning crown (ahau, golden light of brotherhood). Blessed is the heaven who lives in me. Blessed is the earth that leads. Blessed is the sky that holds us close. Blessed is where my soul does burst. Blessed is the coming of a galaxy, the storm where all the leaves do sweep.  Blowing across the hail moonstone.  I will show the world how to love. 

Drum Beat Shift

There my light does glow.  There my heart does know.  There I shine like a beacon in the night. There my heart does glow. Come my relatives let us shine. Let the world show us how we are sow sublime. Grow stalks of corn in your garden and let the sun rise today. Oh I want to go out and play.  Hear my drum beat a song.  I will let thee, world come. I will show my love to you.  Grow a place a sacred view. Gather with me today. Gather with me to pray.  Gather for all our hearts to say.  I will hear your drum beat.  I will share your flow.  I will hold you near me, when others do go. Can you feel the thunder storm, just waiting to glow and horn. I will share this light with you, that shines in the night's view.  Come Moonstone join in song with me.  Let Mother Earth grow stalks and trees. Let all the little children two legs and more who are hidden. The four legged winged ones too. I want to share all with plants and the songs. How do I pick up a rock without a majestic view? All is part of a perfect garden true. Let me envision a world with love. Hold your dreams in our hearts who hold. We are going to a place inside, when heaven aligns. Where heaven aligns .(united 1) ... (three colors of the rainbow, blue, red, yellow) I am here for that dime (call to God, sky's embrace).  And it's round and clear outside. The sky does light up the holy pride. And I want the world to know of space, the heavenly grace.

There we shine of heaven's heart. There we make a right and a spark. There we speak from our solemn hearts. There we shine to let all know we are home. Come my children walk with me this day. Tell me stories of how you did lean and pray. It's time to lean on love, bend over and pick up a child. Say "I'm going close to your heart. I will show you how to be and act a part that believes. I will show you you are perfectly a dream". Say, "My soul does bend in the wind. I have to lean on love again". And when others don't find a way, oh I have to say, "Did you do your blessings today?"  There we must hold each other in the winds. There we must be relatives again.  Just hold on tight to limping vines, because it's those who hang on tight, who find the path to destiny, the place where the red road lasts and blasts, I say, come close to heaven's home, where the blue road builds a storm. And it's lessons on a vine, that make things chime. Don't you hear the song tonight?

Come beat that drum with me. Find your heart and start to believe. Go and fill the world with your ecstasy and live a life that is pure as the breeze. Shine from heaven like a star. Know it's time for us to go far. Think of where we are going to ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ the place where fields bloom.

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand, elder lavender person. Sacred Song Blessings for the Heart of Two Bear in the Pacific Northwest, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy on the Hoops (blog)!

Two Bear Sacred Song Blessing with Interpretation by White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother
Blessed is my heart, I walk this way. Blessed is the space I need to pray. Blessed is the place that heals my soul. Blessed is where we need to go.  Blessed is the star who shines with love. Blessed is the coming of a dawning crown (ahau, golden light of brotherhood). Blessed is the heaven who lives in me. Blessed is the earth that leads. Blessed is the sky that holds us close. Blessed is where my soul does burst. Blessed is the coming of a galaxy, the storm where all the leaves (relatives) do sweep (across space).  Blowing across the hail (greeting with a blessing, the crystal form or star of David) moonstone (reflection of this world, Mother Earth I am here).  I will show the world how to love. 

(Vibrations -Holiness David Running Eagle's drum, gate of paradise and Mother to physical world as a lavender person and Two Bear's heart, rainbow bridge and Mother to spiritual world, as a rainbow person - do not collide well.  Pain and suffering are known, because both wear the red robe.  This means in their light, many will see a bright fire burning red. Red is the law of love. They have the right to speak up as Mothers to the universe. Two Bear leads the spiritual world from heaven through himself, as the Rainbow Bridge, to the gate of paradise below. From the bridge on the right or western shore to the left of open space or heaven's explore towards the eastern shore, I beseech yee to go and play (in heavenly grace). Ask Holiness David again to shift from the physical world to the heavenly world, join the hearts together and start a new beat. Connect to the heart of Two Bear. Pain and Suffering from not being able to harmonize with the world around, who do not understand loving ways. Go through the door of heaven of a crystal person White Buffalo Calf Woman and find Two Bear. Follow my heart, unite all parts Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star our Father Red Hand).

(Perspective of Two Bear's heart:  Feeling lost and alone, no one/few understands the white road the united path and circle of life.  Many Native American elders feel this way and will simply walk away because they feel children don't know how to show honor anymore to elders, however this is not the case with Two Bear who walks towards. from Native American perspective he is soul elder knowing love (story or talking).  And born like a child to experience this, yet his light is old, as a body or rainbow color elder, and he knows the path of walking with love. So he walks and talks with love, but others don't know this path and he does not harmonize with others (but has to reverberate with them), and he feels lost and alone (heart displaced with other's vibrations in the wind), not with relatives, like it should be. We bleed, the law of love is the red road. We applaud Two Bear for his continuing path of love.  A Rainbow person, like Two Bear must be a bridge because this is the Comic Mother who streams all colors. S/he must vibrate with the lost children. S/he must demand that they do their blessings, for this is the way of all good Mothers in the universe, as they share the law of love with the beloved children of the Rainbow Clan. Speaking up is always difficult because it seems never ending with so many lost.  He seeks a place where other can join in true harmony and I'm sure this is why he holds a monthly drum gathering in Vancouver. Way to go, Two Bear! Now the song continues! Harmony finally...)

There my light does glow (rainbow color outside).  There my heart does know (heavenly soul inside).  There I shine like a beacon in the night (star of heaven returning home). There my heart does glow(a light from within). Come my relatives let us shine. Let the world show us how we are sow sublime (greatness and magical). Grow stalks of corn (halls of consciousness that align, dreams come true, four directions come home and be free, growing without disease) in your garden and let the sun rise today. Oh I want to go out and play.  Hear my drum beat a song.  I will let thee (allow), world come. I will show my love to you.  Grow a place a sacred view. Gather with me today. Gather with me to pray.  Gather for all our hearts to say.  I will hear your drum beat.  I will share your flow.  I will hold you near me, when others do go. Can you feel the thunder storm, just waiting to glow and horn (speak from the heart a loving song). I will share this light with you, that shines in the night's view.  Come Moonstone (reflection of the world) join in song with me.  Let Mother Earth grow stalks and trees. Let all the little children two legs and more who are hidden. The four legged winged ones too. I want to share all with plants and the songs. How do I pick up a rock without a majestic view? All is part of a perfect garden true. Let me envision a world with love. Hold your dreams in our hearts who hold. We are going to a place inside, when heaven aligns.
Where heaven aligns.(united 1) ... (three colors of the rainbow, blue, red, yellow roads to unity) I am here for that dime (call to God, sky's embrace, talking to heaven, do your prayers under the aqua sky). And it's round and clear outside. The sky does light up the holy pride (clan with honor). And I want the world to know of space, the heavenly grace.

There we shine of heaven's heart (we all come from heaven). There we make a right (to speak our heart) and a spark (rainbow colors realize, dreams come true). There we speak from our solemn hearts (our truth and perspective). There we shine to let all know we are home. Come my children walk with me this day. Tell me stories of how you did lean (on love) and pray (devoted to the Great Spirits). It's time to lean on love, bend over and pick up a child. Say "I'm going close to your heart. I will show you how to be and act a part that believes. I will show you, you are perfectly a dream". Say, "My soul does bend in the wind. I have to lean on love again". And when others don't find a way, oh I have to say, "Did you do your blessings today?"  There we must hold each other in the winds. There we must be relatives again.  Just hold on tight to limping vines (hang around together, bound to the oceans of time, waves and crests), because it's those who hang on tight, who find the path to destiny, the place where the red road lasts and blasts (fire blessings), I say, come close to heaven's home, where the blue road builds a storm. And it's lessons (lessons from heaven turned treasures with love) on a vine (we are bound together on the river of life), that make things chime (freedom is known blowing in the wind). Don't you hear the song tonight?

Come beat that drum with me. Find your heart and start to believe. Go and fill the world with your ecstasy and live a life that is pure as the breeze. Shine from heaven like a star. Know it's time for us to go far. Think of where we are going to ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ the place where fields bloom.

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand, elder lavender person. Sacred Song Blessings for the Heart of Two Bear in the Pacific Northwest, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy on the Hoops (blog)!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

Today, I Gift My Heart to a Glorious Day!

Today, I give my heart to the world. I have to say, it's a glorious day.  And when it's sorrow that leads the way, then we look for hope tomorrow.  And it's our time to pray, looking for glory in each day.  Pray that your relatives find the way, where rainbows come to save the day.  And heaven opens her arms to say that all is okay, just bow down and pray. 

We are on our way, to the home of sacred ways.  Where the sunlight hits our souls.  Where the light within does glow.  And our hearts sing in the winds, to purify everything again. We start with a heart (bow down and show respect to all living life) and we look up and say, "Thou Art"(part of God or wholeness of the sacred circle of life).  My relative it's you.  My relative it's true.  My relative you are the blue (from heaven that's me and you). My relative I love you.  And on this path, the golden lasts, where dreams come on home and we radiate like a sun. 

There are missions to bee (dream impossible dreams). And there we are part of all the leaves.  And my soul just reaches within. And my heart does sing and ring (freedom is known where the red cross the blue, the yellow is the dream come true).  I know you are the true, inside the cosmic blue, the heaven I know in you (soul flight).  The heart that would be true .....(5 relative) ........ (8 holy) (lowest note of the fire purification or walking / embracing others on the red road, where the law of love presides).

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand, elder lavender person., Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy on the Hoops!

  `•¸•´  ♥ oneness ♥•*´)¸.•*´´)¸.•*´¨)¸.•*´¨)¸.•*¨¨)
                           (¸¸.•´*(¸¸.•´*( .•´*(¸¸.•¨*(¸¸.•♥

From all of us on the Hoops to all of you, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Wishing you,
Happy holidays, Merry christmas, Eve and a Prophetic New Year, Bringing peace to your heart around the world!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

